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The Path Review

Thanks to Malcom Messer of Not Just A Phase: A Podcast for reviewing The Path. You can check out NJAP: A Podcast on Facebook and Patreon.

Malcom Messer

Breakthrough/The Path EP Review

"This is a jam! Alright, alright, all corny cliche phrases aside. This EP by Breakthrough definitely gets that foot tappin'. Little did I know that I got to witness the full EP live a few months back, and all I can remember thinking is, "Wow this is refreshing.” I stayed for the whole set. Without a doubt this is an EP that you can go on a journey with, and groove to.

Track 1: The Ascent Breakthrough brings you right into the beginning of a journey that, with its musicality, paints a perfect picture that matches the lyrics to a T. It opens with a very simple melody and a heavy bass with keys and what sounds like a harmonica over a winter wind and crackling fire. Followed up by the lyrics: "How can, we march ahead, with our frostbitten lungs in the cold wind?". Definitely gives you the sense of survival and being brought to your last effort of surviving with the music fading and the wind (storm) swelling to an abrupt stop, you’re left wondering if this is the end? But we all know it can’t be, because onward to track 2.

Track 2: Enough Dang, that distortion though. Kinda of an odd transition from track 1, but at the same time, definitely grabbed my attention. Super reminiscent of a mid-80's crime show as far as instrumentals go, but at the same time, heavy. When I come to think of it, it also reminds me a little of a 007 James Bond intro track. Then again, the vocals could be equal to Adell's Skyfall. Either way, I’m getting off topic. Track 2 Enough 110% bumps, it shows of the talent as the band as a whole, hitting accents on the instruments to really make the vocals pop in the most pleasant way. This song definitely shows off the bands talents as you can tell how tight the band can perform this live. I have had the pleasure to see it and mmmmhmmmm it’s a tasty track.

Track 3: Postage Getting those driven beats behind those drums, Postage makes you bob your head for sure. It’s almost impossible not to, and if you like bass and a little bit of a jazzy feel, including some horns, this is one funky track. In my opinion this is a song that is right up there with some Adam Lavine pop music, but being the powerhouse that Breakthrough is, they have no problem keeping to their originality. It just goes to show that each member of the band has added their own influence to this melting pot of goodness. My favorite part however is when the reverb on the lyrics "Fine" echo out and the keys just come in, and it slowly builds right back up. This song itself takes you on a journey to match the whole concept of the album, and you can feel it right in your chest!

Track 4: Django Fett All I can say is what a bunch of Star Wars nerds, but in the best possible way. The instrumentals are reminiscent of the Cantina scene in "A New Hope", with melodies and harmonies that just make you wanna shake your hips and clap along. All in all, track four is a super fun song that reminds me slightly of Steam Powered Giraffe: Brass Goggles. If you haven’t heard of SPG or Breakthrough, it’s time to dive into a youtube black hole and binge.

Track 5: Idle Idle seems to be a little slower than most of the album, but the lyrics are pure poetry, painting imagery all over your cranium like a toddler with crayons on a wall. The more I listen to this song in particular, the more I can totally hear the Pop influences, but it’s so refreshing. I don't want to spoil the song or the lyrics for you, but I found myself relating to the lyrics, at first felt sad, but then came to realize that I was almost comforted and understood by it. At the end of the track, although having a melancholy tone, it definitely is something that I could just lay in bed and listen to over and over again, and find something new with every listen. Also, I need to mention the guitar solo is it groovy. Breakthrough straight grooves with every song on this EP.

Track 6: The Path Brings you in with some synths, and you don’t know what to expect, and then "Bleigh!!" straight metal on the instruments. What an intro, and then straight into the groove. All I can say is kudos to that Drew kid on bass. If you listen carefully you realize the slight foreshadowing of track 1 The Ascent, when they sing "Deep breath, we march ahead". Right back into the metal, with those synth accents. The journey this EP takes you on is enough to make you hit cycle repeat. That chuggy/heaviness, is right up my alley, and just makes me want to throw down. The Path leaves me feeling a tension in my chest that makes me want a slow-motion montage of myself throwing fist after first and breakfast clubbing my fist in the sky.

Well after listening to that, I don’t know if I feel more energized or just need a nap. Emotionally, I feel drained, but physically I wanna just let it all out. I am super impressed with this EP and am so honored to be asked to do a review on it. 5/5 stars for sure. The genre is hard to pinpoint which is great. It definitely gives you a sense of collaboration of all members in the band, a true melting pot of groove, pop, metal, and all-around alternativeness that I can’t seem to find the words for. Simply put, this EP "The Path” rocks. It’s some hard-hitting jams that leave you feeling something that you haven’t felt in awhile. To fully enjoy this EP, rock it with headphones and crank it so you can truly hear every member of the band shine, because I assure you they all do."

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